September Smalltalk
September is always a busy month for us, one of the busiest of the year in fact! We have four family birthdays this month, so the pressure is always on to juggle celebrations and now I need to try and think of a way the children can have some form of party! Added to that, it’s also the month that the kids go back to school which is often a hard routine to get back into after the summer break.
If you’re like me and you can barely even remember where the school is, let alone what to prepare, you’ll be pleased to see our COVID-adapted ‘back to school’ checklist on page 12 to help you and your little one get ready for the first day back.
August began to feel like life was starting to return to a form of normal. Despite having to wear masks, the opening of retail has been a nice distraction from all the time at home. Also, our children’s sports clubs reopened so it’s been great for their wellbeing to see their team mates again after four long months. The ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ scheme has been a great encouragement to grab a bargain at a local independent restaurant. What I didn’t realise was what a treat it would be to have ‘someone else’ bring me my dinner for the first time in what seems like forever! Plenty of things for us to feel positive about.
Despite these retailers, restaurants, kids’ clubs and beauticians reopening, we’re still loving hanging out at the beach, paddle-boarding and swimming during the day and BBQ’ing and Prosecco’ing as the sun goes down. It looks like many others feel similar judging by the numbers of families we see doing the same (socially distanced of course). My personal wish is that we manage to retain this seaside vibe for as long as possible (Indian summer anyone?) and into 2021 too, we all deserve it!
Whatever you’ve got planned for September I hope you have a great month and manage to get reacquainted with some of the things and people you’ve missed.